I totally love spotting dog walkers in NYC. In this photo I also love the guy behind the dog walker for he looks a little worried about stepping in dog poo. I saw this walker this morning when I walked many blocks of Madison Avenue and Fifth Avenue to look at window displays. There are many creative ones. Here are a few of my favorites:

This pillow fight one is Bergdorf Goodman.

This one is Marc Jacobs.

And the next two are Prada. This first elaborate display had just one pair of shoes in it.

Who in Weyburn would wear this next pair?

I have done remarkably well passing bakeries. I've passed Magnolia Bakery twice, Butter Lane Cupcakes once and Crumbs once. Perhaps I will succumb to temptation tomorrow. I loved the door handles at Crumbs.

No matter what neighborhood you are in in Manhattan, you seem to be near an iconic building. Here is the Flatiron Building which is quite near The City Quilter. To my quilting friends: let me direct you to my other blog (
www.crocusquiltguild.blogspot.com) so that you can learn about my quilty experiences today.

I discovered Kate's Paperie and if my sister Jocelyn would have been with me, we could have spent hours and hours reading the cards and finding the perfect ones for everyone we know. It wasn't as much fun on my own, but it was still marvelous to look at beautiful stationery and to buy some cards.

Bob and I attended a Rotary meeting in Chinatown, the second time we have visited this club. I wish you could have been with us to see Bob chowing down on shrimp, squid, scallops, etc. The lunch was terrific (as well it should be at $30) and the conversation informative. There was one other guest there, a lawyer from Slovakia, so there was an international perspective on every topic.

After the meeting, Bob and I walked around Chinatown.

The food stalls were fantastic to look at but I felt intrusive taking photos so I restricted myself to just a few. I'm not sure what the food below is ... some kind of nut maybe ... but I love the "no try" sign. Are there lots of people sneaking a "try" , a taste of these?

Bob had valiantly eaten the seafoods at the Rotary meeting, but these lovely fish heads turned him a little green. I'm guessing they are to make fish stock, but I have no idea whether this is a reasonable price or not.

Spring is evident in all the parks.

Bob took the tram to Roosevelt Island and got this skyline shot looking back at Manhattan. The photo is taken from the East River Walkway and the tall building you see towards the left is the United Nations building.

If you noticed the rather strange title to this entry, it will make sense now. The musical Bob and I saw tonight was "Once" and one of the songs in it is "Broken Hearted Hoover Fixer Sucker Guy." The show was so, so great and partly it was great because the lead male role was performed by the understudy ... the first time he has performed it. He was terrific and audience members actually shouted out "bravo" to his performance. The musical was a lot more humorous than the movie, but if you have never seen this wonderful Irish movie, I suggest you get the DVD and see it.

Tomorrow we see two shows. Hurray! We can't wait!
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